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This article is written by me, Twitter user @insertnameplea. I know many will find it unethical that I am sharing DMs, but I have done so sparingly. Ultimately, if an individual does not want something in DMs made public, then perhaps they should not tweet it to strangers online. I am troubled by the two faced nature of many of my interactions, and I hope by letting everything out in the open, lies can be extinguished.

Moreover, at this point peoples’ lives are on the line. What started as death threats is now manifesting into real action against my friends, and the evidence against Grimes is now overwhelming. The truth needs to come out. I won’t stand by while innocent people are threatened, bullied and abused. Especially people like Elon Musk, who has done so much for humanity.

Below is a video of Boycott Grimes from 28/29 February 2020 (depending on time zones). In this video Boycott Grimes is clearly distressed, and what started out as death threats is now materialising in reality for her, in the last few weeks her car has been rammed while she was driving and her accounts hacked. Now she is being pursued, harassed and bullied to the extent that she is crying in fear for her life.

Please be aware that in order to share information with you, we put our LIVES in danger. That said, we believe evil wins when good people do nothing, and we we will not stand by silently. We ask you to please help us spread the word. Question us. Challenge our ideas. We don’t mind, so long as you help us open dialogue and bring attention to what is happening.



Before we begin I want to stress one fundamental thing - that Boycott Grimes and I are not blocked from Elon’s Twitter account. This is in spite of our incessant posts re Grimes and his relationship. Undoubtedly, Elon is aware about what Boycott Grimed and I are doing, yet he has not reproached us, blocked us, or tried to set the record straight. The question one should ask is why? Moreover, Boycott Grimes and I, would never put ourselves through this amount of stress to try and beak up a happy relationship. It makes no sense.

Exhibit: Proof that BoycottGrimes & Insertnameplea are not blocked by Elon

Third Row & Why More People aren't Talking About Grimes & The 420 Case

This post looks at one of the reasons people are not talking about The 420 Case, where Elon is on trial for fraud, or how Grimes is blackmailing Musk. Indeed, Grimes is clearly not pregnant, and is simply manipulating her leverage over Musk to create maximum damage. See for example, The Truth Seeker Club's post on Grimes fake pregnancy: Why fake a baby?

This post looks in particular at Third Row, a group run by a popular collection of Tesla influencers on Twitter, who actively promoted Grimes, and silences opposition, whilst making light of the 420 drama, and giving the impression that this case has been resolved, when in fact it has yet to be. In spite of outward appearances, many are aware of the situation re Grimes & Musk, and have tried to help with exposing what has been happening (as will be explained). This post will use Third Row Podcast as an example of some of the strange tactics used to manipulate the public re the Information Warfare campaign being waged against Musk.

Exhibit: Third Row Twitter Page

Source: Thirdrowtesla, Twitter page, viewed on 17 February 2020,


Information Warfare Overview

Information warfare (IW) is a concept involving the battle space use and management of information and communication technology (ICT) in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent.[1]

Information Warfare works by manipulating information (via news, social media and other internet sources) that is trusted by a target audience, such as fans or news followers, without the target's awareness of the manipulative conduct, so that the target will make decisions against their interest, but in the interest of the one conducting Information Warfare – think ‘fake’ news. This enables the group employing information Warfare to gain an advantage over their opponent, by manipulating the beliefs of the public and investors.

Information warfare and Elon Musk?

Elon Musk himself, notes in an e-mail to Twitter's Jack Dorsey, the sophisticated social media campaign that has been waged against him to lower Tesla's share price. One name Musk mentions is Aaron Greenspan, a man who will be the focus of an upcoming post which The Truth Seeker Club are now finalising. Indeed, Aaron is linked to Grimes, The 420 Case, and other Anti-Musk parties, who operate together as a unit to harm Musk, his fans, and in turn Tesla's share price.

Exhibit: E-mail from Elon Musk to Jack Dorsey and Steve Jobs Ghost (Omar)

Furthermore, Interested parties can view an overview of the Information Warfare campaign against Musk here at: More information will be coming soon, and please see the road map below for you reference.

Exhibit: Information Warfare Road Map

Information warfare and TSLAQ

As a recap TSLAQ is a loosely-collected group of individuals critical of Elon Musk and other aspects of Tesla, Inc.[2] They are mostly anonymous,[3] and they are primarily organised on the following social media platforms - Twitter[4] and Reddit[5]. They work to share news, and openly discuss matters pertaining to Musk, Tesla and its stock, and to coordinate their efforts.[6] TSLAQ also frequently exchanges online verbal hostilities with Tesla fans,[7] and other prominent Tesla officials such as Elon Musk (CEO).[8]

TSLAQ often employ Information Warfare tactics, such as methods like the ‘denial of information-collection opportunities to opposing forces’.[9]We see this with TSLAQ re their infamous block lists on Twitter, which contains mostly anyone who attempts to counter their information. We will see Third Row's Viv (flcnhvy) also frequently blocking people or asking people to block others, in order to maintain her false narrative as the only 'true' one. She also blocks people from the Third Row account herself, as will be explained in this article

This article will provide evidence to support the belief that Third Row’s Viv is actually a TSLAQ supporter, who helps to control the narrative surrounding Musk to his detriment. Some may be wondering why Elon interacts with her on Twitter, however, please remember Elon is frequently forced to tweet things against his will.


According to their ‘About’ section of their website, Third Row is -.

Exhibit: ‘About’ Third Row

Source: Third Row Tesla, viewed on 17 February 2020,

Who is part of Third Row's Core Team?

Third Row is a new group, that is supposedly pro Tesla, and composed of online Tesla influencers, who also do a podcast.

Key Members of Third Row are as follows-.

  • Vivien Hantusch (Flcnhvy)

  • Omar Qazi (Steve Jobs Ghost)

  • Kristen Netten (K10)

  • Galileo Russel (HyperChangeTV)

  • Sofiaan Fraval (Sofiaan)

  • Vincent Yu (Vincent13031925)

Exhibit: Third Row Members annotated with their names and Twitter handles


Many who follow Elon/and/ or Grimes, will have seen BoycottGrimes around the place trying to expose this situation. Some I have talked to, mistakenly assume Boycott Grimes is crazy, or a stalker. This is simply false. Indeed, we have also seen her at the beginning of this post in the video crying after being stalked by a unlicensed car, with Grimes simultaneously posting veiled threats on social media.

Exhibit: Boycott Grimes Twitter page

Source: Boycott Grimes, Twitter page, viewed 17 February, 2020,

What many of you may not know, is that Boycott Grimes is a friend of Elon's and knows his family, who asked her to help. In fact, in the image below, on June 11, 2019, we can see Boycott Grimes sitting with many of the ThirdRow members, and just behind Elon Musk’s brother, Kimbal, who she also knows. Far from being some random, she is intimately connected with this saga, and has been *asked* to help, and terrorised by Grimes and her cronies, while battling cancer, and raising her children.

Exhibit: Photo from June 11, 2019, with Boycott Grimes face circled


I have also had dealings with the Third Row members re The 420 Case and the grimes Conspiracy, which I will explain. Only one Third Row member attempted to suppress the information I was releasing (to my knowledge), and that was Viv (flcnhvy).

Exhibit: Overview of members and whether they have helped remained impartial or against my efforts to expose this situation from my knowledge

Omar Qazi (Tesla_truth, Steve Jobs Ghost)

I did not wake up one day and randomly decide to expose Grimes as not being Elon’s real girlfriend, and instead accuse her of blackmailing him and abusing him. Indeed, I had noticed strange behaviour for a while, and had first hand knowledge re some things I have yet to reveal on this blog. What I found out was deeply concerning, and I felt it would be unethical to remain silent. I was frightened that maybe I was wrong, so I asked Omar (Tesla_truth/ Steve Jobs Ghost) if he could help me. I wanted to reach out to Elon re what I was working on, and my suspicion that he was being blackmailed by Grimes re The 420 Case.

I asked Omar to pass on messages to Elon for me. I wanted to check, or at least notify Elon of what I thought, as I would never willingly do anything to harm him or intentionally mislead the public. I figured if Grimes was indeed, Elon’s real girlfriend he could simply set the record straight. Thankfully, Omar helped me pass on messages to Elon, and though Musk never replied I believe he read them, at least partially, based on his future actions.

I also want to stress again that Elon has never blocked me, I frequently post on his account re this matter, or in threads where he is tagged. If I was sincerely targeting his loved one, for such a protracted period of time surely he would blocked me or at least clarified the situation. I can not imagine for a second him tolerating this behaviour re his Mother, Maye Musk, for example.

Returning to Omar, sadly his account was suspended so I lost all our DMs, but I have e-mails where you can see me sending documents for him to pass on to Elon.

Exhibit: My DMs with Omar re messages for Elon Musk pertaining to The 420 Case

Exhibit: My emails with Omar

Now as I learned more it became apparent that Elon was under some form of NDA and could not speak on certain things. That in my mind explains the silence. He seems to have a contract with Grimes, where by they must promote each others careers, and go on a weekly date. A lot of Grimes’ contracts that she forces people to sign include harsh penalties for breach, like prison time, and she has been called out for abusing her power over people using contracts in the past. Interestingly, Sandy Garossino - Grimes' Mother, is also a lawyer, which possibly explains Grimes' contractual savvy.

Many of you have probably never heard of James, ‘Grimes’ wife’ of 5 years, who also noted Grimes’ use of legal contracts. By way of background, Grimes was in a 5 year relationship with James at the time of her Met Gala date with Elon Musk in 2018, with James allegedly setting up the Basilisk joke Grimes and Musk bonded over. Note the Met Gala date was meant to be a publicity stunt, but it ended up paving the way for Grimes' blackmail. Please see for more information re the relationship between Elon and Grimes being the result of a blotched publicity date.

James notes when discussing his prior relationship with Grimes, that how Grimes uses contracts, like NDAs, with severe consequences for breach like potential jail time to control people.

Exhibit: James Grimes "wife" speaks on the relationship

What else does James say? Well he notes how Grimes uses NDAs to control people...

"i still think that was a worthwhile use of my time even though i wasn't paid for any of it and once i got dumped for a tech billionaire she turned heel on me and told me i had been more of a burden than a help and that i didn't deserve any credit for any of the work i had done on her behalf, badgering me to sign an NDA that would have required me to submit all future public statements and creative works to her for approval under threat of jail time and ultimately leaving me with nothing"

Source: James was Grimes’ “wife”, Posted by u/auraphasia, Reddit,

Furthermore, Poppy, a musician with recent dealings with Grimes mentions how Grimes tricks people into signing these agreements and then reveals her true nature. Indeed, when I first interacted with Grimes she seemed really genuine and nice, however it is a front to get you to trust her and disclose personal information she can then use against you once you trust her.

According to Billboard, Poppy stated that when she “worked with Grimes on “Play Destroy,”” one of her favourite songs she was “kind of bullied into submission by [Grimes] and her team of self-proclaimed feminists”. Poppy continues “We planned the song coming out months ago, and she [Grimes] was preventing it. I got to watch her bully songwriters into signing NDA[s] and not taking credit for songs that they were a part of. She doesn't practice what she preaches. It's really upsetting to work with a female that is very outward about a topic, but behind closed doors, it's the complete opposite. It's actually very disheartening to people that are actually feminists and supporters of other females.”[11]

Exhibit: Poppy on Grimes' use of NDAs

Source: Genius, ‘Poppy Claims Grimes “Bullies Songwriters” Into Signing NDAs’, December 2, 2018,

Note, when Elon agreed to help promote Grimes career he would have no reason to expect her to use this opportunity to torment him to such a crazy extent i.e. via fake pregnancies. Also as will be explained, parties like Bridgestone have intentionally delayed The 420 Case, staying proceedings, and the court date keeps being pushed back, forcing Musk to remain contractually tied to Grimes.

Exhibit: Bridgestone pushing back The 420 Case date

Source: Item 168, Case 3:18-cv-04865-EMC Document 168-4 Filed 12/12/18 Page 1 of 5,

Note The 420 Case, was consistently pushed back till 10 October, 2019, and then it was once again pushed back numerous times by the other anti Musk parties and is now scheduled for 6 March, 2020.

Returning back to Omar, in November I deleted my Twitter account, after feeling defeated by constant bullying, Omar reached out to me on the 13 November 2019 to make sure I was ok. When I replied I was pretty harsh in expressing my disillusionment with the Tesla community, he didn’t reply so I assumed, like the other Tesla members he had turned against me or maybe thought I was a jerk. I later reactivated my account, deciding to continue to try and support Elon and expose Grimes, as I felt it was the right thing to do.

Exhibit: e-mail from Omar

However, when the TheTruthSeeker.Club started posting, I was surprised when Kristen Netten (K10) sent me a Direct message re Omar, after she alleged he retweeted one of the posts re Grimes and her blackmail titled “Why Fake A Baby”. Kristen also wanted to know if Omar was working with me at the The Truth Seeker Club.

Although, Omar had stopped talking to me, I felt this signified he was still trying to help. Unfortunately a lot of my correspondence is hacked, and some is missing, so I am unable to prove what comes next, but I believe Omar is being blackmailed. Around when Omar's account was suspended, I remember Omar had been set up by TSLAQ’s Aaron Greenspan with some sort of incriminating file sent to him, that was not his. If my memory is correct, I believe this was being used to blackmail Omar, though I could be wrong. Sadly, I’ve lost the messages when his account was suspended as all our DMs have vanished, and I have been removed from all Tesla group chats in response to me speaking out. So I can’t prove this, or confirm my my memory is right. Though I think many remember how Omar was being harassed baldy before his account was suspended, even at work. The Third Row retweet from TheTruthSeeker.Club was deleted, after found by the other members.

Exhibit: K10 asking me whether Omar was still helping me

Furthermore, though I was removed from many group chats, privately in DMs many of the core group expressed solidarity, at least partially, however noting they would be ousted if they sided with me, some mentioning they would lose business opportunities re promoting Tesla. We will see K1O note this, in the upcoming section, where we discuss her involvement with Third row.

Evelyn for example, a popular Musk follower notes her fear re TSLAQ's Aaron Greenspan coming after her and shutting her account down like he did with Steve Jobs Ghost (Omar).

Evelyn also kindly warns me that if I pursue the Grimes situation, I will lose my place in the community, though she agreed to talk to me privately.

Kristen Netten (K10)

Third Row's Kristen (k10) and I would share information re Grimes occasionally, she was even still sharing info with me in December 2019 - re on some things she found suspicious pertaining to Grimes.

Exhibit: K10 DM with me Re Grimes

As mentioned, in January 2020 Kristen also DMs me noting that on Third Row Omar retweeted one of TheTruthSeeker.Club posts. Namely the 'Wy Fake A Baby?' post, see, which has recently been updated re current events.

Exhibit: Truth Seeker Post retweeted on Third Row

Kristen also notes, that Third row was under pressure to not get involved in this because of their proximity to Musk, and some members of the group’s view that I was polarizing (Viv). Note Viv is the only Third Row member who has blocked me from their personal account, and she was the member to block me from The Third row Twitter account (evidence and detail explained in later sections of this article).

Exhibit: DMs with K10

Later Kirsten would unfollow me, though she did not say anything re this, there seemed to be a group blocking of me around this time, and I was removed from group chats. Sadly, no one gave me a chance to explain my side, which is a shame, as I just want the truth, and I have a lot more evidence supporting what I have been saying that Elon is being blackmailed. The fact people will not even listen to me is highly suspicious in my opinion.

Sofiaan Fraval (Sofiaan)

One member of the Third Row Podcast who didn’t unfollow me was Sofiaan Fraval (Sofiaan), though we do not have any interaction usually, I am sure he would have been pressured to at least unfollow me.

Galileo Russel (HyperChangeTV) & Vincent Yu (Vincent13031925)

I do not interact with these members, though they have not blocked me. We do not follow each other, though sometimes I like their posts.

Vivien Hantusch (Flcnhvy)

Viv is the only member that has come after me. She has a history of targeting people like Pauline (Justpaulinelol), and blocking people, especially female Musk fans for no reason. Through July and August 2019, Viv repeatedly made efforts to get Tesla fans to block Pauline. I was asked probably 4 or 5 times, by different people speaking on behalf of Viv, to block Pauline. All noted Viv was shy and had only told the, which can't be true, as other people had told me the *same* sob story, she had apparently told no one else.

Exhibit: Pauline's Profile

I want to note that TSLAQ is a lot more organised than it appears, this will become a lot more clear in our upcoming pst re Aaron Greenspan and his PlainSit. Interestingly, around the time Viv made a concerted effort to have Pauline blocked, Aaron Greenspan's PlainSite also attacked Pauline as being a bot and fake, and saying she was Viv. Which matches Viv’s narrative that Pauline was stalking her. One thing I also noted, is that within a day of Musk interacting with Viv, he would always talk to Pauline, this stopped when I started pointing it out last month, however it has started back up again. PlainSite is a anti Tesla group who often harasses and intimidates fans, a future post will explain this in greater detail. As mentioned before I believe Viv is part of TSLAQ, as well as PlainSIte.

Exhibit: PlainSite Suggesting Pauline is not real

Another interesting coincidence is that Pauline’s account started January 2019, just after Musk began interacting with Viv in December 2018 (note Viv's account was created less than a month prior to Musk's first reply).

Exhibit: Pauline Twitter Page

Source: Pauline, Twitter page, viewed 18 February, 2020,

Below let’s examine a brief timeline of Viv’s Twitter account.

Furthermore, in spite of only a dozen posts Viv was getting replies from both Grimes and Musk (see below), in her first month being active on Twitter. Pauline also experienced acknowledgement from Musk in a *very* brief period of time. Whoever Pauline is, Viv has made a serious effort to remove her, and seems very threatened by her existence on Twitter.

Viv & Blocking

As mentioned, I strongly believe Viv (flcnhvy) is a TSLAQ supporter, who helps to control the narrative surrounding Musk as will be explained in greater detail in this post. She encourages people to be blocked, suppressing counter arguments and enjoys silencing people. This is a tactic commonly used by TSLAQ, and Viv also promoted conduct that as will be shown is harmful to Musk.

Viv, blocking and her control over Third Row

I am currently blocked by Third Row and Viv, all other members of Third Row have yet to block me. Indeed, it was Viv herself who decide to block me from the Third Row page.

Exhibit: Third Row Explaining Viv blocked me

Source: Insertnameplea, Twitter post, January 8, 2020,

In spite of me being blocked by Third Row as of January 8 2020, 2 Days later Third Row would retweet one of my articles (allegedly by Omar), and Kristen would reach out and apologise to me. The other Third Row Sofiaan still follows me, and the other 2 members and I simply co-exist. Viv is the only member who has targeted me to my knowledge. However, Viv frequently block Tesla fans, especially females, even from the Third Row account without provocation.

Blocking is bad because it means we can’t share our side of the story, I am happy to be proved wrong, but if the answer is to silence me this sounds suspicious.

Exhibit: Other Tesla fans noticing the blocking patterns of Third Row

Source: Tesla Gas, Twitter post, January 8, 2020,

Exhibit: Others blocked by Viv on Third Row

Source: Purple Cybrog, Twitter post, January 31, 2020,

Viv Twitter Timeline

Viv currently has 11,700 followers, her account was created November 2018, and she quickly became one of the individuals Musk interacts most with on Twitter.

Exhibit: Viv’s profile

Source: Viv, Twitter profile, viewed on 17 February, 2020,

Viv’s first Tweet was on November 8, 2018.

Exhibit: Viv’s first tweet

Source: Viv, Twitter post, 8 November, 2018,

By way of background, after The 420 Scandal, where Grimes and Banks' messages were leaked, Elon had deleted Instagram and unfollowed Grimes. However, on September 20, 2018, Business Insider’s Kate Taylor, reported ‘Elon Musk has re-followed Grimes in the wake of an investigation re those tweets and The 420 Case where Musk was being sued for securities fraud, following rumours of the couple's breakup and a scandal involving rapper Azealia Banks’. [12]

After only a handful of spaced out tweets on December 19, 2018, Viv was noticed by Musk, who responded to her tweet.

Exhibit: Musk responds to Viv

Source: Viv, Twitter post, December 19, 2020,

Incidentally, on December 12, 2018, six days prior to Elon Musk noicing and interacting with Viv for the first time, it became apparent Grimes and others may be subpoenaed to testify against Musk. If Grimes sincerely loved Musk, she surely could have retracted her statements, said she was lying and high to be cool, but instead she has used them to extort Musk.

Exhibit: December 12 Notice re Subpoenas for The 420 Case

Extract page 3/5

Source: Item 168, Case 3:18-cv-04865-EMC Document 168-4 Filed 12/12/18 Page 1 of 5,

Prior to being noticed by Musk, in the handful of tweets made by Viv since founding her account, two were directed at Grimes. With Grimes even replying to Viv. Wow what a lucky break for Viv to score two celebrities' attention is so little posts, in such a short duration of time!

Exhibit: Viv’s tweets re Grimes

Source: Grimes, Twitter post, December 3, 2018,

Source: Grimes, Twitter post, December 8, 2018,

To this day, Viv continues to interact lovingly with Grimes on Twitter, promoting the narrative that anyone who speaks out on Grimes is just jealous and crazy. However, note Elon never blocked me, only her and her friends did. Elon often blocks people, why would he not block someone who daily writes about how he is being blackmailed, and his girlfriend is not real and pregnant, Elon is tagged in most of the threats I tweet on, he would know what I am saying.

Exhibit: Example of Viv’s recent posts to Grimes

Source: Viv, Twitter post, February 18, 2020,

Third Row and Grimes

Like Viv, Third Row is outwardly pro Grimes, though my private information shows this is not the case behind closed doors. Indeed, Third Row not only promotes the 420 joke, they also support Grimes.

Exhibit: Example of Third Row’s online support for Grimes

Source: Insertnameplea, Twitter post, January 21, 2020,



[1] Wikipedia, ‘Information Warfare’, viewed on 29 January 2020,

[2] Wikipedia, ‘TSLAQ’, viewed on 29 January 2020,

[3] Kolodny, Lora (February 1, 2019). "Anonymous Tesla short sellers who fly over its parking lots taking pictures of cars have a new web site". CNBC. Retrieved November 7, 2019. Viewed on Wikipedia, ‘TSLAQ’, viewed on 29 January 2020,

[4] Mitchell, Russ (April 8, 2019). "Must Reads: The crowd-sourced, social media swarm that is betting Tesla will crash and burn". Los Angeles Times. Retrieved November 7, 2019. Viewed on Wikipedia, ‘TSLAQ’, viewed on 29 January 2020,

[5] Katwalla, Amit (May 5, 2019). "Inside the obsessive Twitter turf war over Elon Musk's Tesla tweets". Wired. Retrieved December 19, 2019. Viewed on Wikipedia, ‘TSLAQ’, viewed on 29 January 2020,

[6] Wikipedia, ‘TSLAQ’, viewed on 29 January 2020,

[7] Katwalla, Amit (May 5, 2019). "Inside the obsessive Twitter turf war over Elon Musk's Tesla tweets". Wired. Retrieved December 19, 2019. Viewed on Wikipedia, ‘TSLAQ’, viewed on 29 January 2020,

[8] Musk, Elon (June 17, 2018). "How big is your short position? Just curious". Retrieved September 7, 2019. Viewed on Wikipedia, ‘TSLAQ’, viewed on 29 January 2020,

[9] Wikipedia, ‘Information Warfare’, viewed on 29 January 2020,

[10] Wikipedia, ‘TSLAQ’, viewed on 29 January 2020,

[11] Billboard, ‘Poppy Breaks Down New Album 'Am I A Girl?' And Says She Was 'Bullied' By Grimes’, Kat Bein, November 13, 2018,

[12] Business Insider, ‘Elon Musk has refollowed Grimes in the wake of an investigation, following rumours of the couple's breakup and a scandal involving rapper Azealia Banks’,Kate Taylor, September 20, 2018,

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