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This tactic of mocking and gas lighting is frequently used by Grimes and those assisting her. Mia is also frequently targeted with this method. We will look at many more examples later on, but here is a couple recent targeted threats. On 2 April 2020 Grimes liked a video targeted at a "bunny", which is Mia's current tag, where Dr Phil says "I'm gonna kill you..."

Exhibit: Bunny threat?

A few days prior to liking this video, Grimes liked an image where the target to be killed is a furry beast called "Vicar Amelia". Note Mia is short for Amelia.

Exhibit: Other veiled threats

Some social media users say BG is crazy, however Elon has not blocked her, and Grimes has not pursued legal action to stop her.

Moreover, how does BG know so much information that turns out to be true if she is just crazy? In the image below, on June 11, 2019, we can see BG sitting with many popular Tesla influences of the Twitter community, particularly members of the ThirdRow Podcast. BG is also just behind Elon Musk’s brother, Kimbal, who she alleges she knows.

This begs the question is BG really crazy - or just gas lit and the victim of merciless bullying, harassment and trolling?

Exhibit: Photo from June 11, 2019, with Boycott Grimes face circled


In researching this conspiracy many of our members have noted a similar occurrence to what BG describes in the tweet below. People pretend to want to help expose this issue, before turning septic out of the blue, and posting false or misleading accusations against you.

Exhibit: Accounts that befriended then turned on BG around the same time

Source: Boycott Grimes, Twitter post, March 20, 2020,

We will look at the conduct of 4 of the 5 accounts highlighted by BG for bullying and harassment.

  • Kook

  • Soul seeker

  • GS$paceX

  • Azee


Kook was once a supporter of BG, however after several months she became very outspoken against BG. On March 24 2020, Kook claims she was a victim of BG stating that BG has “been pretty evil to me and Hypermobile. The woman is ill. You’re trying to rationalise irrational behaviour.”

Are Kook’s claims BG was being mean to her legitimate? You can judge for yourself. In private DMs on Twitter provided to us by Mia, which we have verified, Kook tells a different story. In fact, on March 8 2020, Kook admits she was implying BG “was hearing voices” and concludes that she was being “a dick” towards BG and others.

Exhibit: Kook admits to being a "dick"

Indeed, kook even admitted she bullied a girl so hard online, that the girl was put into a mental hospital. She found it fun. Kook also notes, she is irritated by BG because she relates to her.

Exhibit: Kook enjoys online bullying?

By March 19 2020 fake accounts trolling BG start popping up. An example is shown below, with BG’s face and the account name "Toilet Brush". Interestingly Kook is the only follower. The account posts things like “I want Elon’s dick so bad…” and “I eat shit and piss”. Who is the bully again?

Exhibit: Toilet brush troll

It is also worth noting that Kook seems invested in having a good quality VPN, and even boasted about it. One concerning event was where Kook bragged she could change her location and wanted to try it out, however the messages she sent to The Truth Seeker Club were disturbing, for example her message pretending to be BG’s missing boob.

Exhibit: Kook bragging about her tech skills

Now by March 24 2020, Kook begins interacting with Grimes. The messages are suprisingly caring, especially when you read the messages from Kook coming up next. Asides from bulling BG, and interacting with Grimes, Kook also writes posts stating there is not proof to suggest Elon is being blackmailed. Kook writes for example, “Dude, we’re still waiting for ONE bit of proof. And circling photos and endlessly regurgitating each other’s bullshit isn’t it...”

Exhibit: Kook not likes Grimes

Source: Kook, Twitter post, March 24 2020,

Exhibit: Kook claiming there is no proof & Elon's fine

Source: Kook, Twitter post, April 3 2020,

However, Kook’s DMs to Mia tell a different story. Kook reached out to Mia on January 3 2020. She would message Mia a lot about the conspiracy providing heaps of information/ theories. See for example below.

Exhibit: Kook shares her concerns with Mia

Kook would frequently message Mia, and has a very interesting perspective on the matter.

Exhibit: Kook on Elon and the Grimes Conspiracy

In one of the last tweets Kook sends to Mia she makes it clear she doesn’t want to be a “white knight”, and she wants out. However, wanting to stay out of the situation is one thing, lying, harassing and turning on her former friends is an entirely different matter.

Exhibit: Kook is not a white knight


The next example from BG's list is SoulSeeker. SoulSeeker now portrays herself as a Grimes fan after turning against BG at the same time as Kook.

Exhibit: Soul Seeker's switch

What is strange with these supposed Grimes fans, like SoulSeeker, is that when Mia DMs them, raising concerns for Grimes' well being, they seem absolutely disinterested. Indeed, SoulSeeker says "i don't really care" about Grimes' personal life,which begs the question why is she spending so much time trolling BG?

It often feels these accounts objective is simply to destroy Elon's reputation, and Grimes is simply a tool to be loved or hated depending on the narrative they are pushing. One minute she is good the next she is dirt, and they do not bat an eyelid.

Exhibit: Mia raising concerns for Grimes' safety met with indifference

Note Mia used to try and reach out to people re Grimes being in danger, but was met with apathy. we will not go into this in detail now, but an example of the type of info Mia would share to supposed fans included the following. There is a lot more information coming on this later.


Another account BG noted for harassment was GSspaceX, like Kook this account worked to dox and torment BG, leaving her distraught and worried for the safety of her kids. This level of cruelty seems so disproportionate, given these accounts do no seem to have any real basis for allegiance to Grimes or reason for being so cruel. SSspaceX, like Kook, claims BG is the who "bullied people online" which is absolutely false.

Exhibit: GSspacex Tormenting BG


Azee is another account that pretended to be interested in assisting expose what was happening to Elon, before switching sides and spreading a bunch of lies about people trying to expose what was happening to Elon.

We will once again use information provided by Mia. Here we can Azee's treatment of Mia. Note, Azee and this group all appear to block Mia, presumably so they can make these outlandish remarks they know are false, without being contested. They seem to operate in a group, it looks disorganised and random - but it is not. This will become more clear when we publish our post on Aaron Greenspan and PlainSite.

Exhibit: Blocking of Mia so their lies may go uncontested

As mentioned Mia is blocked by Azee, the only reason these tweets came to her attention is that few friends pointed out what was being said about her. Azee states that "blonde girl dyed her hair platinum for Elon, and she claimed she dated him, although she has never even communicated with him...", interestingly within the same thread Azee goes on to say "just like Elon played with Grimes, he is also playing with that dumb Aussie girl..." This honestly makes no sense. She later notes, that Elon plays games with these girls by liking the same posts they like. Where is Azee getting this from? Is she stalking Mia's account, Mia never said any of this.

Exhibit: Azee lying

However, people who know Mia pointed out she never said she dated Elon, and in fact had made it clear she had never met him. Moreover, Mia has been platinum on and off since 2012. It is frustrating that everyone trying to speak out against this conspiracy is automatically labelled an Elon love struck stalker.

Exhibit: Mia never said that

A mentioned Mia has been blonde on and off since 2012, her hair colour choice has nothing to do with Elon.

What's more concerning is that Azee seems to be aware that Mia was being blocked by many in the Tesla community, stating "Everyone blocked her for a reason, cuz she's delusional and annoying".However Azee is clearly not pro Musk, making him out to be a crazy meth head. Yet she must have another account where she participates in the Tesla group chats were people who are supposedly pro Tesla instruct others to block Mia.

Exhibit: Azee on Mia being blocked and Musk being a meth head

The sad thing, is that people can lie in DMs and Mia has no chance to defend herself as she is simply blocked and labelled crazy. The difficulty is a lot of these sources who want to remain anonymous are lying or manipulating the truth, they do nor want to be outed publicly because if they were their lies would likely be exposed.

Exhibit: Pope noting in DMs he was given info to discredit Kristy and others trying to expose Grimes


The following examples pertain to accounts who have trolled Mia (@insertnameplea). Although Mia does not know Elon, and has never pretended that she does know him, there are frequent trolls who allege she is being manipulated and led on my Elon. What is interesting is the way they target and patterns that emerge.

Exhibit: Clear all comment on Mia being used

Clear all comment then changes its images to child sex trafficker, Jeffrey Epstein, perhaps with the intention of being menacing. Note as will be explored in the following posts, it appears that the group orchestrating this campaign against Musk are tied to Epstein's blackmail circuit, which has been trying to take down Musk for many years. This has been touched on in previous posts e.g.

This will all be explored in far greater detail in coming weeks.

Exhibit: Clear all comment becomes Epstein

Note, Clear all comment is now pretending to be Grimes' ex James Brook.

Exhibit: Clear all comment now James Brook

By January 1 2020, Mia would once again be harassed by Clear all comment, however not from the original account, but a copy cat.

Exhibit: Clear all comment comes back for more

Source: Insertnameplea, Twitter post, January 1 2020,


Sally is another account, that harassed BG, and often interacts with others who bully BG like Kook, see above section re Kook for an example.

Exhibit: Sally Alcot targets BG

Source: Sally Alcot, Twitter post, 24 March 2020,

Source: Sally Alcot, Twitter post, 24 March 2020,

Sally alleges she doesn't believe Grimes has the power to blackmail Elon, or any of the conspiracy for that matter. She seems concerned that a pregnant Grimes is being targeted. However, this is in direct contract to what Sally Alcot told Mia in January and February 2020, where she alleged she knew Elon, and Grimes had been maliciously tormenting her.

Exhibit: Sally's DMs to Mia

What's also fascinating, is this windowed single mother, who was tormented by grimes, now seems all up in Grimes' business, she also is posting some really suspect material on Twitter, some pertaining to the sexualization of young women.

Exhibit: Sally no longer afraid?

Source: Sally Alcot, Twitter post, 3 April 2020,

Source: Sally Alcot, Twitter post, 24 March 2020,

Source: Sally Alcott, Twitter post, 21 March 2020,

Around this time Sally begins posting perverted tweets, similar to that we see from other co-conspirators against Elon Musk, who we believe are linked to the Epstein blackmail group.

Exhibit: Sally Alcot's strange tweets

Source: Sally Alcott, Twitter post, 24 March 2020,

Source: Sally Alcot, Twitter post, 24 March 2020,

Source: Sally Alcott, Twitter post, 24 March 2020,

Sally in typical troll fashion turned on Mia, but before she did she tried to stop Mia from going after the Epstein gang, or exposing Grimes and cos use of hacking. Sally told Mia she had intimate knowledge of how they worked, and that her life would be in danger should she try and expose them, she also tried to dissuade Mia from discussing Grimes' use of hacking.

Exhibit: Sally's warnings to Mia before turning on her

Note Grimes and co use the CIA tactic, of "admit nothing, deny everything, make counterclaims" to gaslight their opponents. We will come back to the image below in future posts.

Sally then comes after Mia out of the blue accusing her of hacking her accounts to delete her kids photos, which is absolutely untrue. She then blocks Mia before she can respond.

Exhibit: Sally goes after Mia

Sally then unlocks Mia a while later, to attack her and Elon Musk, calling the both "monsters", when Mia tried to figure out what Sally was talking about, Sally replied "you won't admit to it". In the end Mia blocked Sally, as Sally was trying to publicly destroy Mia's reputation, with absolutely baseless accusations.

Exhibit: Sally publicly turns on Elon and Mia

Note TSLAQ often employ the same tactic as Sally, where they accuse Elon of doing the things they are doing. See for example TESLAcharts below. Sally did not want Mia exposing the Epstein and hacking elements of this conspiracy, so instead counter attacked by claiming Mia was doing these things.

Exhibit: TeslaCharts using the counter claim strategy

Source, TESLAcharts, Twitter post, 21 October 2019,

Another interesting troll account is Rain Ma.


Rainforest Ma first contacted The Truth Seeker Club, appearing to wish to help. However, things quickly changed.

Exhibit: Rainforest Ma contact The Truth Seeker Club

Rainforest Ma then coincidentally knows Mia is associated with us, though this was not public knowledge at the time, and also knows she speaks Mandarin, which only someone who had been following Mia's account for a long time, would know, as her posts are almost entirely in English. Rainforest Ma seems to think it is amusing to say Elon Musk will be murdered.

Exhibit: Rainforest Ma's DMs to Mia

A good question after all this, is why are so many people lying and dedicating so much effort to gas light and torment people trying to expose this conspiracy. This brings us onto our next example, re paid accounts.


Below is an account that appears to have been paid to harass BG, and promote Grimes.

Exhibit: AGI worshipping Grimes/Claire

AGI frequently changed his name, so it was hard to keep track of him. In some posts he is Randy D'.

AGI also apparently listens to Satan, and was banned temporarily by Jack on Twitter for his behaviour.

The people Randy follows is also highly suspect. See e.g. below.

Exhibit: Randy D' followers

About the time Randy starts promoting Grimes he follows a bunch of Tesla influencers.

Exhibit: Randy D' follows prominent Tesla community members

When Randy's pictures were reverse google image searched, some interesting results came up. Some of his photos had been made publicly unavailable, however others linked him to SocialBoosterPlus.

Exhibit: Reverse image search results

Social Booster Plus is a service to boost your social media traffic. It appears that prior to working for Grimes, Randy may have assisted in promoting Jen Selter, a fitness model.

Exhibit: Social Booster Plus


The account RANDOM, was active for only 2-3 days before being deleted, the account made around 4 or 5 posts, what is interesting is that in that short time of interacting predominantly with BG, this account was blocked by TESLAcharts, what could anti-Musk TESLAcharts fear re someone helping BG?

Exhibit: Example of Random's tweets

Exhibit: TESLAcharts blocks Random

Note, interestingly both anti-Musk TESLAcharts and Randy D' are keen to link Musk to paedophilia with absolutely no evidence or basis.

In fact a hall mark of the group that is after Musk, is that while they try and defame Musk by linking Elon to paedophilia they also seem to find this an amusing topic to joke about. Looking at another anti-Musk influencer, Mark B. Spiegel, who retweeted TESLAcharts Epstein image, we can see Mark's perverted fixation with paedophilia and child harassment in the tweets below.

Exhibit: Mark's fixation with Greta

TESLAcharts also posts jokes re paedophilia and pizza, which is code for those of you unfamiliar with the PizzaGate Scandal.

Exhibit: TESLAcharts jokes about paedophilia

The group after Musk, is much more complex and sadistic than most realise. It appears that many are unable to leave should they no longer wish to be part of it.

Exhibit: Bloodsport into deep


BG has been very outspoken re the Grimes/Musk situation. Although, we are not directly affiliated with her, much of what she says is consistent with what we have found - though not everything, and we appreciate her efforts in spreading this information, and sharing knowledge. Note as will be made clear in this post, a sophisticated effort has been put into messing with the minds of people trying to expose this blackmail, including the use of cruel games and tricks.

Exhibit: BG’s Twitter Page

Source: Boycott Grimes, Twitter page, viewed 17 February, 2020,

BG has been bullied very badly by the anti-Musk group. Below is an image of her scared for her life. A future post will look into Grimes and her co conspirators enjoyment of using social media to make veiled treats, particularly of a violent nature. It is worth mentioning at the time BG was filming this, while being pursued by a car - Grimes posted an image of a girl, with glittery makeup on like the kind BG wears in all her videos. The post is captioned “All my blessings to people who are having hard times…”

Exhibit: Frightened BG

Source: 92%, Twitter post, March 3 2020,

You can watch some of BG's videos to see the glitter she wears, and in the tweet below BG even notes her glitter make up preference.

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