The Met Gala was a PR disaster. Musk and Grimes were only going as a joke and to distract from some negative attention re Model 3, and so that Grimes could get some publicity for her music career. Indeed, we see this with Elon posting links to videos like Grimes' Realti.
Note, at this time, Grimes was in a 5 year relationship, with James, and Elon was still flirting with his ex Amber. This was not meant to be real. However, it is alleged that Elon was subsequently trapped after being roofied and blackmailed.
Musk's PR stated, in the Amazon Prime Documentary titled 'Elon Musk: The Real Life Iron Musk' (2018), that she had made a disastrous mistake.
Please see video clip below, where Musk's PR notes her disastrous mistake, and Musk states that public perception becomes reality, before the clip moves to the Met Gala date.
Extract from 'The Real Life Iron Musk'
Indeed, we can see Musk responding to a New York Post article the day after The Met Gala disaster.
Exhibit 5: Musk Responding to NewYork Post Day After Met Gala Disastser
Exhibit 6: Screenshots of pictures provided by twitter user Purple Cyborg from her viewing of The Real Life Iron Man
Furthermore, we see the same PR lady behind Musk, on the night Musk is snapped in the Cybertruck with Grimes. It is important to note that Grimes allegedly blackmailed Musk into signing a contract where they allegedly promote and support each others careers.
So this is why we see Grimes often trying to be involved in Musk's new work ventures, and we also see her dragging out the release of her finished album for over a year, song by song, only to have it released just before The 420 Case is scheduled (as Musk is forced to promote the album, so this is a tactic she uses to keep Musk associated with her, and harm his companies).
Exhibit 7: PR lady again in the Cybertruck car overseeing the Grimes Musk 'appearance'
Indeed, what normal couple so desperately links all their work projects? Even Grimes' recent video clip steals the opening for Musk's. Moreover, it is alleged by MS that Grimes' team paid Kim Kardashian to post an image of Musk and Grimes, indeed the image looks out of place on Kim's IG feed which she meticulously controls.
Exhibit 8: Grimes music video 'So Heavy' using the same BladeRunner lines as the promotion for Musk's Cybertruck event
Furthermore, at the Cybertruck unveil for Tesla, when people did not notice it was Grimes as the Cyber girl, her people seem to have gone and contacted social pages making sure they plug her appearance.
It is also alleged that Grimes bullied her way into that appearance - I do not know the details. However, Elon and Grimes are supposed to help promote each others careers so this likely was the foundation of her method.
Indeed, Business Insider ran a post on Grimes being the Cyber girl. It is worth noting that Business Insider was subpoenaed along with Grimes to provide evidence for Musk's opposition in The 420 Case, and they are heavily biased against Musk, and obsessed with reporting on Musk and Grimes' relationship.
Exhibit 10: Business Insider article letting public se the evidence to prove Cybergirl was Grimes
See e.g. below re Business Insider's obsessive reporting on Musk and Grimes i.e. the featured snippet re Musk and Grimes' relationship is from Business Insider, Business Insider also posts numerous articles on the couple, and the last body confirming Musk is with Grimes on Musk's Wikipedia page is also Business Insider.
Furthermore, business Insider, also seems strangely aware that Grimes is not pregnant, and is just trolling.
Exhibit 11: Business Insider on photos potentially being promotional
Source: Business Insider, ‘Singer Grimes posts nude Instagram photo of her looking pregnant and comments about being 'knocked up,' leading to speculation that she and Elon Musk are having a child’, Avery Hartmans, January 9, 2020,
Now returning to the Met Gala, is it important to remember that Grimes was in a 5 year relationship at the time, with James.
Below are some extracts of what James had to say from the following reddit source on Grimes.
Exhibit 12: James Grimes "wife" speaks on the relationship
Source: James was Grimes’ “wife”, Posted by u/auraphasia, Reddit,
When did Grimes and James meet?
“gr*mes is one of my least favorite people on the planet, believe me, if i had secretly been behind her music this whole time i would have told people by now. i didn't meet her until spring 2012, at which time the album that broke her had already been completed and released. furthermore, i was rarely more than 20 feet away from her at all times from fall 2012 to spring 2018... "
What kind of relationship did James and Grimes have? James was Grimes' "wife" and he did all kinds of things for Grimes, including, being responsible for the "rococo basilisk" saga.
"i did all kinds of business stuff, emails, meetings, typing up treatments, the title cards and credit pages for most of the videos ("roccoco basilisk" was me unfortunately, so that whole thing is technically my fault sorry), housework, monitoring social media to report threats to the FBI (many of which also targeted me) it consumed my life for like five years - i wasn't unhappy to be doing that work..."
Note it is apparently over a Basilisk joke that Musk and Grimes began their interaction.
Exhibit 13: Elon Musk and Grimes linked on Twitter over Rococo Basilisk
Source: Inverse, ‘Elon Musk and Grimes: "Rococo Basilisk" Links the Two on Twitter
A Twitter cross-over like no other’, Danny Paez, May 7 2018,
What else does James say? Well he notes how Grimes uses NDAs to control people...
"i still think that was a worthwhile use of my time even though i wasn't paid for any of it and once i got dumped for a tech billionaire she turned heel on me and told me i had been more of a burden than a help and that i didn't deserve any credit for any of the work i had done on her behalf, badgering me to sign an NDA that would have required me to submit all future public statements and creative works to her for approval under threat of jail time and ultimately leaving me with nothing"
Grimes seems to use contracts to hurt and control people, by tricking individuals into signing them and then abusing them with the threat of prison or legal consequences.
It’s important to pause here and note that many with information on Grimes are unable to come forward. This is due to Grimes' use of legal contracts like NDAs. Furthermore, it is not just James who has been victim to Grimes' bullying and obsession with NDAs, I personally know someone who has signed an NDA precluding them from speaking up re Grimes.
Moreover, Poppy, a musician with recent dealings with Grimes mentions how Grimes tricks people into signing these agreements and then reveals her true nature. Indeed, when I first interacted wth Grimes she seemed really genuine and nice, however it is a front to get you to trust her and disclose personal information she can then use against you once you trust her.
So basically Grimes likes to force people to sign NDA’s (Non Disclosure Agreements, legally binding contracts that prevent party from discussing certain matters). She often does this by using things like her position of power as an artist and others trusting nature.
According to Billboard, Poppy stated that when she “worked with Grimes on “Play Destroy,”” one of her favourite songs she was “kind of bullied into submission by [Grimes] and her team of self-proclaimed feminists”.
Poppy continues “We planned the song coming out months ago, and she [Grimes] was preventing it. I got to watch her bully songwriters into signing NDA[s] and not taking credit for songs that they were a part of. She doesn't practice what she preaches. It's really upsetting to work with a female that is very outward about a topic, but behind closed doors, it's the complete opposite. It's actually very disheartening to people that are actually feminists and supporters of other females.”[1]
Exhibit 14: Poppy on Grimes' use of NDAs
Source: Genius, ‘Poppy Claims Grimes “Bullies Songwriters” Into Signing NDAs’, December 2, 2018,
Note, when Elon agreed to help promote Grimes career he would have no reason to expect her to use this opportunity to torment him to such a crazy extent i.e. via fake pregnancies.
Indeed, Grimes is very manipulative she used to brag to me, via her avatar, about using emotional blackmail to control Musk, which she seemed to think was funny, and showed her superiority over him.
Grimes' Family and music career
It is also worth noting that, Grimes, her family, and her music career, is not what it seems. Sandy Garossino is Grimes' Mother, and is also a lawyer. I have some information to share on her in coming posts, but now keep in mind she would likely be able to assist Grimes in setting up traps for people via contracts.
What about Grimes' indie label?
Interestingly, RocNation manages Grimes,[2] with its parent is Live Nation Entertainment, which is (~33% ) is owned by the Formula One group division belonging to Liberty Media Corporation. [3] Panasonic, the company assisting Tesla with battery production, ultimately, stalling Tesla production, was also a primary sponsor of Toyota's Formula One program, Panasonic Toyota Racing.[4] With Hiro Matsushita, grandson of the company founder, is a former race car driver who ran a company overseeing sponsorship arrangements for the company.[5]
Furthermore, SAP is also a F1 sponsor, and Grimes sponsor. Note SAP board has ties to Zoox who is allege t have stolen trade secrets from Tesla, see 'Why Fake a Baby' post,
In the image below we can see Grimes and HANA, BloodPop's girlfriend, laughing while dressed in F1 gear. Given Elon is anti gas cars, and has a history of serious concern re AI, this image seems designed to mock. Moreover, Grimes' new album is about making light of climate change, something Elon is also fighting to stop.
Exhibit 18: HANA and Grimes laughing while dressed in racing themed gear
Also note Grimes' team have been scoping Musk since well before 2018. Indeed, on November 16, 2015, Grimes posts the following...
A little over a week later, on the 27th of November, 2015, Sandy, Grimes' Mother and lawyer posts this image with a Tesla.
In fact, Grimes' Mother has had interactions with Musk on twitter since as early as 2014.
A lot more info on this to come in future posts, I just want to flag this family is not what they appear to be, but for now let's get back to the Met Gala.
On the 2nd February, 2018 - Elon Musk & Amber Heard allegedly break up again for the second time.[6] Indeed, they initially broke up on August 6th, 2017.[7] This seems to have been hard on Musk, as previously mentioned in posts like "The Musk Problem
Exhibit 19: Amber Heard and Musk break up early 2018
Source: W magazine, ‘Amber Heard and Elon Musk Reportedly Broke Up (Again)’, Evelyn Wang, February 2, 2018,
Azealia Banks, a musician who had dealing with Grimes in August 2018, also noted Elon was not seriously dating Grimes. Indeed, Banks called Grimes “an idiot,” suggested that she is spilling information about Musk and that he is “better off hiring an escort.” Banks also stated that Elon Musk only took Claire to the Met “All because he needed a date to the met gala to hide his shrinking dick from amber heard lol.”
Furthermore, photos posted on IG by @emilydawnlong a makeup artist form that night, and later reposted by MS, on to Twitter show that the same make-up artist Emily would appear to do both Elon Musk’s make-up and Amber Heard’s make-up, suggesting there was some interaction between the two ex lovers that night.
Exhibit 20: Musk and Heard share makeup artist?
Source: September 17, 2019
According to MS, a children’s book author, currently battling three cancers, whilst being a single mum of and allegedly being bullied by Grimes - Claire “has bn blackmailing, roofying etc @elonmusk #teamelon since 5/18 when he took her 2 the met as a joke.The #420trial #aug7th keeps getting delayed on purpose, becz of games/She is Als [always] Bullying A Single Momw3Cancers”.
Note The 420 Case was indeed delayed, as this post was from last year, and not the case has been delayed till March.
I was also told of this abuse by the aforementioned Avatar, who befriended me, and gloated about it, before encountering MS, who said the same thing.
Furthermore, an article on Medium (now deleted), also noted there had been unconfirmed reports that
“There was an avatar on this platform that states many things, which has disappeared now. But, it posted about abuse, threats & a refusal to leave Musk’s home. There was also another channel, I read, which suggested a space needed to be made for the kids.”
Note Grimes blatantly gloating over her control over Musk in the images below.
Please also note the surge of strange tweets from Musk post Met Gala, and the sure of legal cases relating to Musk's tweets like The Pedo Case and The 420 Case.
Even numerous news agencies noted the change.
See below for examples of a couple of strange tweets, suggesting Musk was drugged and his account taken over.
Exhibit 21: Musk's memes on the 26th of October, 2018
Source: Elon Musk, Twitter post, October 26, 2018,
Source: Elon Musk, Twitter post, October 26, 2018,
Note, since Grimes entered Elon's life there has been a rise in litigation, a lot revolving around tweets, like The 420 Case, which Grimes is using to blackmail Musk, and The Pedo Case.
Please also see the graph below re rise in litigation post Met Gala on May 2018. These legal troubles, have harmed Tesla, the extent of which remains to be seen, and has already cost Musk his position as Tesla’s chairman, and also led to a SEC fine of $US 20 million.
Exhibit 22: Plainsite re rise in litigation against musk since Grimes entered his life
Also note the strange messages Grimes sent to Banks re around the time of the 420 tweets.
What did Banks have to say re Grimes and her behaviour? Well in a letter to Musk she said the following.
Banks also noted on social media that...
The baby is clearly promotional material for Grimes' album which features this strange doll like creation.
This fiasco is ridiculous, and it has hurt Musk's reputation as he is forced to go along with the "phony" charade.
Moreover, since the announcement Tesla's stock price has dropped over US$20.00.
This behaviour is very destructive and unfair not simply to Musk personally, but also to his family and Tesla shareholders.
Exhibit 23: Share price change post Fake Baby fiasco
Source: Market Watch,
[1], Kat Bein (11/30/2018) Poppy Breaks Down New Album 'Am I A Girl?' And Says She Was 'Bullied' By Grimes.
[2] Wikipedia, ‘Rocnation’, "Grimes - ROCNATION". Retrieved 13 June 2018.
[3] Formula One Group". Retrieved 2019-12-03.
[4] "Toyota goes virtual to show 2009 F1 car". USA Today. January 15, 2009. Retrieved April 27, 2013.
[5] Wikipedia, ‘Panasonic’,
[6] W Magazine, ‘Amber Heard and Elon Musk Reportedly Broke Up (Again)’, by Evelyn Wang
(Posted February 2, 2018),
[7] Daily Mail, ‘Second time unlucky for Johnny Depp’s ex Amber Heard as she splits from PayPal billionaire Elon Musk’, by Caroline Graham (Posted August 6, 2017),